Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Have you ever felt like you are too small for a dream God put in your heart? I often do ☺ That’s when I feel like giving up, go with the flow... follow the line of least resistance. Other times I trying too hard to reach my dream, and then it seems to just slip away… much like sand falling through one’s fingers.

Yeah, I think God-given dreams are like quite like sand. You just can’t grab sand with your hands. But if you cup your hands, you might be able to hold heaps of ’em. Feel the warmth of the sun-baked soft sand, the sweet smell of the sea soaked crystals. But the moment you become mesmerized, and attempt to grab the sand… it falls right through again.

Aren’t dreams the same? I guess God-given dreams are to be held with open palms… always offered up as a sacrifice before the Giver.

Today I was reminded to hold onto my God-given dream with care, and all the time with full reverence for the One who had placed it into my palm in the first instance.

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