Thursday, January 26, 2006


Heee... I finally visited my own blog again! Looks like this is turning into a year blog - where I post my blogs only once a year. **LOL** Anyway, i'm back in Singapore now have been since 8 Dec 2005. It's great to be home, but my other life is in Melbourne... my work, my friends, my own niche.

Being home has its effects - calming, restorative, contemplative. Much has happened in the past year... living on my own in Melbourne, parents' split, Alvin's passing on... and it's yet another growth path that God has projected me upon. It's been great, really. I know I am being anchored deeper with Him even as I learn to walk through the valleys of the shadow of death with my Savior and Friend. I guess that is not the hardest part yet, the toughest lesson is walk it with a deep sense of joy knowing that all will be fine... eventually :-)

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